Wednesday, 23 April 2014

The Face Shop Herb Day 365 Cleansing Foam Review

I've updated my blog twice in one day and this is going to be the third. Wow.

It's been probably a little under two years since I've been using The Face Shop's Herb Day Cleansing Foam and I have to say, I really like this product. Smells good, feels good, tastes good. LOL not really. Tastes like soap because that's what it is!

Before I start going off about this great product, THIS IS NOT MEANT FOR DRY SKIN. It will get rid of any oil on your face and will make it squeaky clean so if you have dry skin and most likely combination skin, I wouldn't recommend it even if it says for all skin types. If you still persist on using this product, use a really rich moisturising cream to balance it out.

Now that that's out of the way, let's begin~ ^__^

Mmmmmm peaches
Firstly, before I say anything else, when it says foam it does not mean the light and fluffy kind of foam. This type of foam is more of a thick creamy consistency that only spreads well once wet or applied on wet skin.

Look at that packaging. Lovely. Just kidding. It's plain and is one of those things that would slip out of your sight even though you're staring right at it. However, that aside, this is an amazing product. So I purchased this product from Sasa, which is the same store as the place I got my Etude House BB Cream from except this product was purchased online. I was indeed looking for a nice face wash whilst on the website when I came across this. The only reason I bought it was that it was from The Face Shop and costed between AUD$5-10 (it was on sale but I don't quite remember the exact pricing). I wanted to purchase the lemon one but it turned out that it costed around AUD$12 which sucked, but hey. You gotta live with it. This was the cheapest one so I bought two bottles/tubes.

When it arrived, I was pretty excited because my current face wash at the time was pretty bad and didn't help my skin that much at all. The moment I washed this stuff off my face, there was no oil (which is what I wanted since my skin is VERY oily) and it left a very pleasant smell as well. I don't really know what peaches smell like, but the face wash smelt sweet. If you want to know how to use face wash, there are a set of instructions in both Korean and English (ermergerdddd):
"사용법: 적당량을 덜어 물로 거품을 충분히 내어 얼굴 전체에 마사지하듯 가볍게 문지르고 맑은 물로 충분히 행구어냅니다.
Directions: Massage over wet face and rinse off with lukewarm water." 
Great instructions. Very helpful as well.

I'm not sure whether this was a whitening face wash or anything as there was nothing in English that mentioned it (there was plenty of Korean text on the back of the bottle/tube but because my Korean understanding is very limited, I couldn't translate it) but my face has gotten whiter over the past year and a bit. I'm not sure whether it was because of the BB cream (which was in fact whitening), the face wash or a rice mask I was using. It could even be all three factors, I don't know. What I do know is that my complexion has improved greatly. Maybe it's just puberty finally passing but right now all that's left on my face are break outs and a couple of small pimples here and there. Early-mid last year there was so many pimples and a lot of them were swollen and gross. Great improvement and I'm really satisfied.

I also must warn you, when this bad boy gets in your eyes, it feel like your eyes are being attacked It just burns a lot. The way I prevent this suffering is that because I use tissues to wipe my face, I don't open my eyes until I've thoroughly dried the eye area- especially the opening to your eyes.

This is a really great product in general and it's better if you wait for it to go on sale but if you're really desperate or impatient then by all means, don't let me stop you there.

Overall rating: ★★★★★
Origin: South Korea
Price: $9.70 (on

So yeah, thank you so much for reading this! If you have anything else you want to know about this product or any others I've reviewed, go ahead and ask :)

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